Tag Archives: OConnor
Visiting Vitec’s OConnor Factory in Costa Rica (PDF)

“How would you like to build an OConnor 2575D?” Steve Turner asked. Being the consummate geek, I immediately accepted. “Meet your professors,” John Hill said as he introduced me to the grinning OConnor assembly group. Were they smiling because this was a crazy idea? Would I manage to emerge unscathed, with all fingers and toes intact? Could I actually help build a finished fluid head from the 635 parts arranged in bins to our left—with names like Sector Drag Assembly and Upper Wiffletree Bearing? Download our 22-page PDF Report of the Factory Visit to Vitec Videocom Costa Rica. read more…
March of the Penguins — Part III — Costa Rica

The day after the ASC Awards, Steve Turner and I (photographed by Tobias Keuthen) made our way through Tapanti Rainforest, an hour away from Cartago, Costa Rica, and the high tech Vitec OConnor – Sachtler factory. When I heard Costa Rica, I thought eco-tourism, hiking, surfing, volcanos, rainforests and coffee. Little did I know that this country, which ranks 1st in the world for sustainable tourism, is also home to many high tech companies like Intel, HP, Glaxo, Baxter, and of course, Vitec. read more…
Tags: Costa Rica Factory, OConnor, OConnor 2575, Vitec
OConnor’s Killer Donuts

Killer Donuts? No, Thye’re not the latest lethal offering from craft service. OConnor’s new anti-reflection rings (donuts) were two of the most simple-why-didn’t anyone-think-of-them-before innovative products of NAB. Prototypes were seen at Cinec and Cine Gear — now they are ready to reduce reflections between the back of your mattebox filters and the front of the lens. OConnor’s Killa Donuts,… read more…
Oli at NAB 2011
Sony’s theme was “Believe Beyond HD.” The Digital Cinema Society’s seminar was titled, “3D, 4K and beyond.” We saw plenoptic lenses selectively adjusting focus within a scene. We saw the GoPro 3D camera on a model helicopter. NAB 2011 was well beyond HD. Attendance was up, along with activity on the show floor. It could be a reflection of a… read more…
Fauer and friends speak at NAB
Here’s a partial listing of the cast of characters appearing live on the Vitec NAB Stage, C6030: Monday, April 11 at 11 am: Jon Fauer, ASC talks about Art and Tools. “Technique and Technology” — how the tools we use influence style — and vice versa. Jon will take us on a whirlwind 5-minute history of art, photography and cinematography to… read more…
FDTimes NAB Edition Contents
FDTimes April 2011 double issue 41-42 hits the halls of NAB on opening day: at 9 am on Monday April 11, 2011. Pick up your complimentary copy of Film and Digital Times from the publication bins in the Central Hall Main Lobby and South Hall Upper Lobby, at our booth C9550, and at the booths of our sponsors, including Sony, Fujinon,… read more…
Tags: 4K, Abel, Angénieux, ARRI, Band Pro, Cameras, Canon, Cartoni, Chrosziel, cmotion, Cooke, Dedo Weigert, EasyFocus, Film and Digital Times, Filmtools, Fujifilm, Fujinon, iDC Photo Video, JVC, Leica, Lenses, Lighting, Lowel, Manfrotto, Manufacturer Field Trip, Motion Picture Equipment, NAB, OConnor, P+S Technik, Red, Sacthtler, Sensors, Sony, Tiffen, Tokyo, Trade Shows, Transvideo, ZEISS, ZGC
December Issue now online for Subscribers
Our 96 page December Issue 36-38 of Film and Digital Times is now online. Subscribers: click on the MEMBERS tab, above. The print edition has gone to press. It will be in the mail soon. Our cover says “Converging Worlds.” Although convergence and 3D certainly has everyone’s attention, this is the historic year of convergence and collision between consumer and professional… read more…
Tags: 3-D, 35mm film, Aaton, Abel, Angénieux, ARRI, Band Pro, Cameras, Canon, Cartoni, Chrosziel, cmotion, Cooke, Dedo Weigert, Element Technica, FGV Schmidle, Fujifilm, Fujinon, grip, HDSLR, Ianiro, IBC, iDC Photo Video, JVC, Kino Flo, Kodak, Leica, Lenses, Lighting, Lowel, Manfrotto, Nila, OConnor, P+S Technik, Panasonic, Production, Red, Sacthtler, Sensors, Sony, Still Photography, Tiffen, Trade Shows, Transvideo, ZEISS
Get a Grip on your Mattebox
OConnor has built a better mousetrap…er…mattebox. The company known for its fluid heads and tripods is really using its head. They’ve come up with a new line of matteboxes: the OConnor O-Box WM (Wide Mini). It’s another one of those products that will have you banging hand on head in wonderment, “why didn’t anyone think of this before?” The clearly… read more…
Tags: OConnor
FDTimes New Issue 32+33 Now Online
Film and Digital Times Mid-Year Cine Gear 2010 Edition (issue 32+33) is now online for subscribers. We will be all over Cine Gear. Visit us at Booth # 126 for a complimentary paper copy. See you there: June 4-5.www.cinegearexpo.com
Tags: 35mm film, Aaton, Abel, Angénieux, Apple, ARRI, Arriflex, ASC, Band Pro, Cameras, Canon, Cartoni, Chrosziel, Cine Gear, Cinematographer Style, Clairmont, Cooke, Dedo Weigert, Film and Digital Times, Fujifilm, Fujinon, HDSLR, JVC, Kodak, Leica, Lenses, Lighting, Lowel, Manfrotto, NAB, Nila, OConnor, Otto Nemenz Intl, P+S Technik, Panasonic, Red, Sony, Still Photography, Tiffen, Trade Shows, Transvideo, ZEISS
OConnor Follow Up
Eric Johnston brought over OConnor’s brilliant new Cine Follow Focus CFF-1 for us to test today. OConnor goes where no follow focus has gone before. Lower. It has the lowest clearance of any left-side/right-side studio device. This is essential when using big, fat lenses. The mechanism is silky-smooth. The same CFF-1 works on both 15mm and 19mm rods–no modifications necessary. The entire… read more…
Tags: OConnor
OConnor Follow Focus
OConnor Introduces Cine Follow Focus CFF-1 Jim Elias and Eric Johnston are now at OConnor, and introduce the first product off their assembly line: the Cine Follow Focus CFF-1. What’s different or special about it? 1. It attaches to 15mm or 19mm studio rod systems. 2. It has the lowest clearance of any double-sided studio unit, so it works with large diameter… read more…
Tags: OConnor
Elias and Johnston to OConnor
Jim Elias and Eric J. Johnston are now at OConnor, where they will work on a new line of camera accessories. Jim, who lives in Munich, will head the design team. Eric Johnston will be the US product specialist, based out of Valley Cottage, NY. Almost every cinematographer knows Jim: first as an LA camera assistant, then part of the… read more…
Tags: OConnor
3D Workshop
ZGC Inc and Florian Maier, expert 3D consultant and developer of the P+S Technik 3D Rig, presented 3D workshops to sold-out seessions in New York, LA and Vancouver. Highly recommended: everything you always wanted to know about 3D, how to prep, rig, shoot, edit, present, and more. Florian compared good and bad 3D, secrets of the pros, gentle 3D and… read more…
Tags: 120EX, 3-D, 3D Rig, EX3, OConnor, P+S Technik, Sony, Transvideo, Workshop, ZGC