Tag Archives: Clairmont
Clairmont Alexa In-Camera Filter System

Designed by Clairmont’s very own Andree Martin, these new tools give the cinematographer access to an In-Camera Net Holder and an In-Camera Blue Streak Effect “Filter.” The In-Camera Filter Systems can be used with both spherical and anamorphic lenses and are an available option to rent with Clairmont Camera’s ARRI Alexas. The In-Camera Filter System will be available for purchase from Schneider in the… read more…
First ALEXA Studio at Clairmont
Clairmont Camera got the first ARRI ALEXA Studio Camera in the US. Although delivered with less fanfare than other recent camera arrivals, our rumor phone and embedded camera technicians have definitely confirmed that Clairmont’s ALEXA Studio arrived the first week of January. I should have known: I was supposed to take pictures of the camera in New York for our… read more…
Clairmont In-Camera Alexa Filters
Here’s a sneak peek at an article from the September IBC issue of FDTimes on Clairmont’s Behind-the-Lens Filters for Alexa. Our friends at Clairmont Camera never saw a camera they didn’t want to improve. Is it Denny’s California candy-colored streamlined need for speed from those first days at Fiasco Automotive, or an irresistible impulse to see how close they can come… read more…
Tags: Clairmont
Moviecam and Arricam Comparison
Arturo Jacoby, lens technician at Clairmont Camera and overall camera wizard, got the idea to compare the Moviecam SL Mk2 with the Arricam LT. He wanted to make comparisons based on measurements and weights of both camera bodies with different magazines. When he started looking for the factory technical specs about these cameras, he didn’t find much. So, he decided to do it… read more…
Tags: Clairmont
Moviecam and Arricam Weights, cont’d
Moviecam SL Mk2 and the Arricam LT comparisons, by Arturo Jacoby, Clairmont Camera Technician “Finally, let me express my most sincere congratulations for the great project Film and Digital Times. We are learning a lot thanks to your publication. Here at Clairmont, I see many technicians and customers getting a copy and filing it for later use. Read and learn. The magazine comes with… read more…
Tags: Clairmont
Denny in Daily News
Nice article by Dana Bartholomew in LA Daily News about Denny Clairmont: www.dailynews.com/ci_17120813
Tags: Clairmont
Denny Clairmont to get AMPAS Bonner Medal
Denny Clairmont, motion picture wizard and head of Clairmont Camera, will receive the John A. Bonner Medal from the Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The medal of commendation will be presented at the Scientific and Technical (Sci-Tech) Awards on Saturday, February 12, at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Denny and Terry founded Clairmont Camera… read more…
Clairmont Ground Glass Guide
Film has been a universal standard with a hundred years of legacy. However, it’s been a standard with many variations. The wizards of Clairmont Camera have completed a 70 page catalog of all the different ground glasses and formats they’ve dealt with. It’s available online: a valuable resource, with measurements in metric and inches, and superb, true-to-scale line drawings. Credits… read more…
Isco 140-420 mm Zoom on Canon 7D PL
From Clairmont Camera in Vancouver–the giant Isco 140-420 mm T2.7 zoom on a Canon 7D PL (in a Viewfactor cage). Photo and info courtesy Jon Johnson, VP/General Manager of Clairmont Camera Vancouver.
Tags: Clairmont
FDTimes New Issue 32+33 Now Online
Film and Digital Times Mid-Year Cine Gear 2010 Edition (issue 32+33) is now online for subscribers. We will be all over Cine Gear. Visit us at Booth # 126 for a complimentary paper copy. See you there: June 4-5.www.cinegearexpo.com
Tags: 35mm film, Aaton, Abel, Angénieux, Apple, ARRI, Arriflex, ASC, Band Pro, Cameras, Canon, Cartoni, Chrosziel, Cine Gear, Cinematographer Style, Clairmont, Cooke, Dedo Weigert, Film and Digital Times, Fujifilm, Fujinon, HDSLR, JVC, Kodak, Leica, Lenses, Lighting, Lowel, Manfrotto, NAB, Nila, OConnor, Otto Nemenz Intl, P+S Technik, Panasonic, Red, Sony, Still Photography, Tiffen, Trade Shows, Transvideo, ZEISS
First Cooke 5/i Lenses at Clairmont
Clairmont Hollywood is the first US rental house with the new Cooke 5/i Primes. They are all T1.4, include /i Technology Lens Data, and have illuminated focus scales. Focal lengths: 18, 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 75, 100, and 135mm. The 5/i Primes are color-matched with Cooke S4/i, Cooke Panchros, CXX 15-40 mm T2 Zoom, Cooke Zooms, and SK4 16mm… read more…
Clairmont 1D PL
These photos by Arturo Jacoby of Clairmont Camera, Hollywood show their new Canon EOS 1D Mk IV modified with PL mount to accept all lenses. What’s the difference between this camera and a 7D? The 1D has an APS-H sensor (27.9mm wide x 18.6mm high). The 7D sensor is APS-C (22.3mm x 14.9mm). And what’s 35mm four-perf? Full frame is 24mm… read more…
Clairmo – Clairmont Canon 1D PL
The race is on. Canon PL. Eyemo of the digital age. This just in from Alan Albert, Executive VP of Clairmont Camera, Hollywood: “Right now we have this one camera only, but plan on making more for our rental departments in the U.S. and Canada. The camera functions in both the Video and Still modes albeit without the optical reflex… read more…
Angénieux on Canon
Machinists, rental house gurus and cinematographers have been working late for the past few weeks, seeking the cinematographic grail of attaching PL-mounted lenses onto Canon EOS D1 Mk IV and 7D cameras. The quest, more than a recurring manifestation of retrofit syndrome, is to be able to use high-end cine lenses with their familiar capacity for repeatable follow focus, manual… read more…