Tag Archives: FDTimes
Fujifilm IS-Mini
The Fujifilm IS-Mini is a complete color management and monitor profiling system. It’s a small hardware box and comes with free software. It’s inexpensive and is an essential tool for DITs and post houses. The color science behind it is very sophisticated. You can use IS-Mini to create a LUT or CDL for the DP on set; and, if you have multiple monitors on set, you can attach a separate IS-Mini to each monitor. read more…
FDTimes June Issue 70 Coming
Film and Digital Times June 2015 Issue 70 will be ready at Cine Gear Expo on Friday – Sat June 5-6. Visit us in Booth 53A or get a free copy everywhere at the show. Subscribers’ copies ship at that time–and the PDF and iPad editions can be downloaded then. What’s inside? Here’s the contents, with a few secret NDA things hidden until Friday: read more…
FDTimes at NAB C10106
Visit Film and Digital Times Booth C10106 (across Band Pro and Sony, along the wall) at NAB for complimentary copies of our April Edition, the Leica special Edition, and a few remaining copies of the February issue. You can also pick up free copies from our freestanding publication bins in the entrance to Central Hall and in South Hall. And… read more…
Tags: FDTimes, Film and Digital Times, NAB
FDTimes at IBC
Film and Digital Times double issue 62-63 paper edition at IBC at entrance to Hall 11, booth 11.F31 (home of Aaton-Digital, Transvideo, FDTimes) and at the many booths of our sponsors. We’re printing this IBC September 2014 Edition simultaneously in Los Angeles and in Amsterdam. Worldwide edition is being shipped to subscribers now. read more…
Tags: FDTimes, Film and Digital Times
Issue 61 Now Online
Film and Digital Times Issue 61, June 2014 Cine Gear Edition is now online. Subscribers can download the 16 MB PDF. iPad Edition goes lives Friday, May 30. Print Editions ship week of June 1. Free copies of the 48-page print edition will be everywhere at Cine Gear Expo in LA on June 6-7, in the booths of our sponsors… read more…
Tags: FDTimes
FDTimes NAB Booth C10006
Setting up at NAB 2014. You’ll find us when the show opens on Monday under the Film and Digital Times Airstar balloon in Booth C10006 — next to Sony, across Band Pro and Pole Cam.
Tags: FDTimes, Film and Digital Times, NAB
Preview NAB Edition
Download a free 12-page PDF preview of Film and Digital Times’ NAB Edition. But lots more is coming. The complete 96-page epic is brimming with new and up-to-now NDA (non-disclosure) products — printing in a secret location, delivering to NAB in undisclosed trucks, as usual, in time for opening day. Free copies of the printed edition will be found in our big… read more…
NAB Show
Visit Film and Digital Times Booth C10006 (next to Sony, across Band Pro) for Free NAB Edition of Film and Digital Times (Issue 60, April 2014) Schedule: Lectures and Conferences Saturday April 5 – Sunday April 6 Exhibits Monday April 7 9am – 6pm Tues April 8 9am – 6pm Wed April 9 9am –… read more…
International FDTimes Online
Film and Digital Times February 2014 Double Issue 58-59 is now online and ready to download for subscribers. (Click on the SUBSCRIBER DOWNLOAD button, above left). Here is the introduction — also available in the free preview. read more…
Tags: FDTimes, Film and Digital Times
FDTimes heading to IBC: Booth 11.F31
Film and Digital Times September IBC Issue 55-56 is printing in LA and Amsterdam, after a record number of “Stop the Presses” calls. I have never seen such a frenzy of up-to-the-minute last-minute new stuff. With apologies to Walter Salles’ The Motorcycle Diaries, beautifully shot by Eric Gautier, AFC for the photo above, taken by Juan Pablo Fabres. Les (playing Che, driving) and Jon (as Dr. Alberto Granado) travelled from Chile to Uruguay to Argentina. Our 96-page double issue is packed with up-to-the-minute information and lots of new products–many embargoed until the opening bell. Lots of new lenses (anamorphic and spherical), camera updates, rigs, mounts, lens metadata, accessories… read more…
Tags: FDTimes, Film and Digital Times, IBC
Sophia Loren, Edoardo Ponti, Rodrigo Prieto, Canon C500 Cover Story
Here’s a preview of the cover story from FDTimes Issue 55-56, going to press today and ready for opening day of IBC on Sept 13. We went on location in June to follow “The Human Voice,” starring Sophia Loren and directed by Edoardo Ponti in Rome and Naples. Rodrigo Prieto, ASC, AMC shot this short subject with Canon C500 cameras in 2K. There are enough interviews, technical essays and workflow diagrams–from camera to tent and beyond–to keep you occupied until the full 96-page September issue goes live on Sept. 13. read more…
A Tale of Two Covers
The Worldwide Edition of FDTimes has been printed in Hollywood, the French Edition has been printed in Paris. Daniel Pearl, ASC graces the cover of the former; Benoit Debie is on the latter. Both cinematographers are shown using a new Vantage One T1 prime. The French Edition was distributed at the AFC Micro Salon last week. PDF copies are ready… read more…
Tags: FDTimes, Film and Digital Times, Paris, Vantage Film
Hot off the Press
FDTimes Micro Salon Edition in French will be distributed on paper only at the AFC Micro Salon at La Femis this Friday and Saturday. Above: Jon Fauer with Vantage Paris Manager Alexander Bscheidl–who took the cover shot of Benoit Debie using a Vantage One T1 65 mm lens. The Worldwide Edition (in English) ships this Friday. Both digital editions will… read more…
Tags: FDTimes, Film and Digital Times, Micro Salon
FDTimes Customer Service
Film and Digital Times has a new look, new customer service, easier access to online editions, and streamlined registration. Here’s a quick guide to what’s new. You can now get all issues online by logging in with just your email or username. No more passwords. Your computer should remember whenever you return…
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Tags: FDTimes, Film and Digital Times
FDTimes in Cannes
Film and Digital Times does not have a leggy Egerie like Linda Carriel of Angénieux at Cannes. But we do, thankfully, have Peter Sykes, whose title may be longer than any supermodel’s legs: “Strategic Marketing Manager – Digital Cinematography Professional Solutions Europe Sony Europe.” Here’s Peter after the Sony F65 event at the CST in Cannes on May 22, with… read more…
F65 Report in English, French, Spanish
Free PDF 40-page reprints of Sony F65 and FS700 Report from NAB 2012 Issue of FDTimes — in English, French, and Spanish. About 9 MB each. read more…
FDTimes at Cine Gear Booth 85
FDTimes will be back at Cine Gear Expo — Booth 85. The Cine Gear Expo exhibits will be open at Paramount Studios in Hollywood on June 1 and June 2, 2012. read more…
Tags: Cine Gear Expo, FDTimes