Tag Archives: ARRI Alexa
Teradek Color Cine

COLR CINE is a new version of Teradek COLR with updated features and a new set of outputs. read more…
Tags: ARRI Alexa, COLR, COLR Cine, Teradek
ARRI Alexa Updates

ARRI released new Updates for Alexa and Amira. A wave of additional news is expected soon. ALEXA SUP 11.0 with ProRes 3.2K Software Update Packet (SUP) 11.0 for Alexa is now ready for download. Alexa’s 11th software update includes ProRes 3.2K recording and ADA-5 (enhanced debayering for improved image quality). ProRes 3.2K is available for Alexa XT and Classic cameras with the XR Module upgrade. It uses a larger 3.2K picture… read more…
Tags: ARRI Alexa
Alexa’s New SUP 8.1 gets /i

ARRI Alexa XT/XR Software Update (SUP) 8.1 enables Cooke /i lens metadata support, 90 fps Arriraw 4:3 recording onto XR Capture Drives, and other features outlined in the release notes and user manual (go to Downloads at arri.com ). Up to now, Alexa cameras recognized LDS metadata from ARRI/ZEISS equipped lenses (Ultra Primes, Master Primes, Master Anamorphics, etc). ARRI’s /i Technology… read more…
Tags: /i Technology, Alexa, ARRI Alexa, Cooke, LDS