Tag Archives: FDTimes Japan
InterBEE 2016 Tokyo

InterBEE 2016 ran for 3 days — November 16, 17, 18 in the Makuhari Messe Convention Center, Chiba, about an hour northeast of Tokyo. 1,090 companies and organizations exhibited in 1,926 booths. There were 593 exhibitors from 34 countries. 38,047 visitors attended. 6,000 copies of the Special November Film and Digital Times InterBEE Edition in Japanese were printed in Tokyo and distributed at… read more…
Tags: FDTimes Japan, FDTJ, InterBEE, InterBEE 2016
FDTimes in Translation, updated

Thursday, June 9. Ten luminaries of the Japanese cinema industry gathered high above the humid haze of Tokyo—in the New York Bar of the Park Hyatt Hotel. What better place than the bar location made famous by Lost in Translation. The conversation was unmistakably more animated than the squirmy, Pinteresque pauses of that movie. Our cast of characters consisted of manufacturing and rental house executives—ad hoc board members of Film… read more…
Tags: FDTimes Japan, FDTJ
FDT Japanese Edition 70J

FDTJ — Film and Digital Times Japanese language Midsummer 2015 Edition is now online and ready for free download. A limited number of printed copies are available in the offices of the sponsors in Japan. Cover photo of sandstorm at NAB by Mark Forman. read more…
Tags: FDTimes Japan, FDTJ
FDTimes Japan

November 1614. The two-year Siege of Osaka began. The Tokugawa shogun ended the last opposition to rule from Tokyo (Edo). November 2014. A 400th anniversary celebration in Osaka, with Samurai museums, tours of the castle, concert by Aiko, and the launch of Film and Digital Times Japan.
Tags: FDTimes Japan, FDTJ