Sony AXS-R7 RAW Recorder


Sony Headquarters, Shinagawa, Tokyo.

Sony F5 and F55 get a new onboard RAW Recorder: AXS-R7. It attaches to the camera the same way as the previous model, AXS-R5, with an additional metal top plate to add stability. There are two slots on the camera left side for  slim AXS memory cards.


The new R7 recorder is slightly larger, and gives F5 and F55 cameras the ability to record 4K 16-bit linear RAW files–up to 120 fps with the F55. (The R5 records 4K to 60 fps). You can also record 2K RAW up to 240 fps.

The R7 can cache up to 30 seconds, which is helpful for wildlife and action camera work. If Cecil B. Demille’s camera operator had one of these, there would never have been a “ready when you are CB.”

The R7 is more rugged, all-metal, dust and water resistant. The cooling vents are on the side, sealed, and separate from the electronics. It comes with a V-mount battery attachment. Third-party Gold Mounts can be fitted.

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Dual slots for slim AXS memory cards


Camera right side — R7 on the left. R5 on the right.


R7 loads on the side. R5 on top.


front side


Camera right side — R7 on left, R5 on right




The new slim AXS A Series memory cards (A1TS48 and A512S48) are 1 TB and 512 GB.  They are identified with black trim, with data rates up to 4.8 Gigabits per second. Existing A Series S24 cards (blue trim, 1 TB, 512 GB and 256 GB capacity) also fit, but only record up to 60 fps 4K RAW.

4K recording time AXS-A1TS48 AXS-A512S48 AXS-A1TS24 AXS-A512S24 AXS-A256S24
24 fps (0.96 Gbps) 110 min. 55 min. 110 min. 55 min. 27 min.
60 fps (2.4 Gbps) 44 min. 22 min. 44 min. 22 min. 11 min.
120 fps (4.8 Gbps) 22 min. 11 min. n/a n/a n/a

Sony F5 and F55 firmware update 8.0 will be available this summer, as will the R7 recorder.








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