Tag Archives: Scorpio
Scorpio 138-405 T4.3 Anamorphic Zoom
Alfredo and Andres Valles, above, have a long history of obsession with building lenses. Alfredo was working as a mechanical engineer in Barcelona in the late 1970s. Andres was a DP. They decided to start a camera rental company and start building lenses. The company was Servicevision and their first product was the Servilens series of Nikon Macros, with a… read more…
Tags: Anamorphic, anamorphic zoom, Scorpio
Scorpio Anamorphic Lenses
When Andres and Alfredo Valles and Pedro Povill invited me to visit them in Barcelona, I jumped. Barcelona is one of the great cities on earth for architecture, daring cuisine, and a bold new journey by Servicevision into anamorphic lens manufacturing. The pundits were prognosticating that it couldn’t be done: designed by lady, made in Spain, by a bunch of… read more…
Tags: Anamorphic Lenses, Scorpio, Servicevision