Tag Archives: Scorpio Full Frame Anamorphic 2x
Scorpio Full Frame Anamorphic 2x Lenses
It was a crackly, barely audible yet reliably confirmed source the mobile phone. Did I hear correctly? It was OK to publish this news? Let’s hope so: Servicevision will announce Scorpio Full Frame Anamorphic 2x Lenses at IBC. They will be call FFA — as in Full Frame Anamorphic. 2x squeeze. Same maximum aperture of T2.2 as the Scorpio 2x Anamorphic S35 set. They will be the same size, or close to it. Resolution and look will be the same. There will be a whole set. Zooms as well. The lens assembly team at Servicevision has been working on the FFA lenses for some time, and they should be ready to ship in about 4 months. read more…