Tag Archives: Light Ranger 2

The Gods of Focus Speak: LR2

Here are recent reports about using Preston’s Light Ranger 2 on some major features and TV series — from Gods of Focus: Paul Santoni, Richie Masino, Jonas Steadman, Serge Nofield, Pergrin Jung, Daniel Bombell, and Jason Garcia read more…

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Preston LR2 Demo and Keslow Open House

On Saturday, July 16, the crew from Preston Cinema Systems pulled into Keslow Camera’s Culver City headquarters on Blackwelder Street for a day of Light Ranger 2 demos and a Keslow Camera Open House. Howard Preston, Alanna Berkson and Matt Davis provided hands-on demos with a large variety of camera and lens combinations equipped with the LR2. The Light Ranger 2 is described by Howard Preston as… read more…

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Preston LR2 Demo at Keslow Camera

Preston Light Ranger LR2 Demo: Preston Cinema Systems will present their Light Ranger 2 Focus System at Keslow Camera on Saturday, July 16, 2-5 pm. Border Food Truck will be outside

Preston Cinema Systems will present their Light Ranger 2 Focus System at Keslow Camera on Saturday, July 16, 2-5 pm. The Open House will provide hand-on demos with a large variety of camera and lens combinations equipped with the LR2. Howard Preston and crew will be there. Bring your own Preston MDR3 for a necessary Light Ranger 2 update that can be done on site. Also, the famous BORDER GRILL Food Truck will be outside from 2:30 – 4:30 pm with complimentary beverages and gourmet tacos, sides and more… read more…

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Preston Light Ranger 2 Updates

Preston Cinema is shipping the new Light Ranger 2 and they are now working on some major productions. One big surprise is how great the range is. Initial specs put the far distance at around 40-60 feet. Actual practice is astoundingly several hundred feet. And the close distance is several millimeters in front of the lens. Updates were shown at Cine Gear. read more…

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Preston Light Ranger 2

Howard Preston is at BSC Expo and AFC Micro Salon demonstrating his new patent-pending Light Ranger 2 (LR2). Howard calls it a “critical focus tool for the digital world.” You still work with your familiar FIZ. The LR2 intuitively guides focus-pulling in the correct direction, near or far. You confirm this by viewing almost any monitor, which gets a graphical overlay from the LR2. The thing works in a number of modes: manual, autofocus, or basic distance measuring. read more…

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