Tag Archives: Cooke Anamorphic/i
Updated Cooke Anamorphic/i Group & Chart
Correction to page 95 of FDDTimes April-June 2017 Issue 81-82: There are now 12 (not 11) Cooke Anamorphic/i lenses— 10 primes and 2 zooms. Thank you Iain Neil (optical designer) for pointing this out.
Tags: Cooke, Cooke Anamorphic, Cooke Anamorphic/i
Cooke Front Anamorphic 45-450 T4.5
Cooke reveals details of their 2nd Anamorphic/i Zoom for NAB 2017. It will be a 10:1 front 2x anamorphic 45-450mm T4.5 Zoom Lens. This comes exactly a year after their 4:1 35-140 anamorphic zoom was shown last year at NAB 2016. The 45-450 has the same front diameter as the Cooke 35-140 and 300 mm, same 300 degree focus and 90… read more…
Cooke Anamorphics with “Flair” at CamTec
CamTec is one of those rental houses with a love of tweaking and experimenting on cameras and lenses—like many of their DP customers with similar symptoms of Retrofit Syndrome. CamTec’s workshop benches, adjacent to their busy rental checkout area, are scattered with a vast array of lens elements, mechanical parts and test equipment. Jay and Kavon Elhami and their crew… read more…