Tag Archives: AIC Micro Salon
Micro Salon Italia 2021

Micro Salon Italia was back, after its last appearance in 2019. It just a few days after Amsterdam’s IBC was cancelled and BSC postponed to April 2022 due to the possible surge of the new variant in Europe. The Roman event was held at Ragusa-Off, an 11,000 sq m city bus depot built in 1929 and recently revamped as a trade show location.
This year’s Micro Salon Italia had 42 local and foreign exhibitors: Sony, Fujifilm, Canon, Cartoni, De Sisti Lighting, D-Vision & Movie People, Leica, Leitz, K5600, Angénieux, and Trans Audio Video (TAV), just to mention a few. read more…

The third annual AIC (Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia Cinematografica – Association of Italian Cinematographers) Micro Salon Italia, organized by Daniele Nannuzzi – just reelected as AIC President – and Luciano Tovoli, with the help of Simone Marra, secretary general AIC, moved from its original Cinecittà Studios Stage 1 & 2 location to E.U.R.’s Salone delle Fontane. This is the same location that Federico Fellini used in the 70s as one of the sets for “Boccaccio 70” starring Anita Ekberg. read more…