Element Technica 3D rigs come in three sizes: Quasar, Pulsar and Neutron.
The Quasar 3D rig is intended for large cameras like the Sony F-23/35, the RED One, Sony F-900, and Alexa. The Neutron is for small cameras like the SI-2K, box cameras or the RED Epic brains. It is extremely small and lightweight, converts from mirror to side by side mode in seconds and can be motorized easily.
Speaking of motors, Element Technica developed a 6 axis wireless motor controller to use with their rigs. An 8 axis version is planned. E T Rigs can be remote controlled from an OB van, which was done during the FIFA Soccer Worldcup this summer in South Africa.
The Pulsar Rig fits just inbetween the Quasar and the Neutron, for use with camcorders like the Sony EX-3.
The new power breakout box supplies power to both the rig and the cameras.