Tag Archives: Servicevision FFA
Servicevision Scorpiorama 70 Full-Frame 1.65x Squeeze Front Anamorphic

At IBC 2019, Servicevision will present new 1.65x FFA Full-Frame Front Anamorphic lenses. They have characteristic flares, streaks and the smoothness that you get from front anamorphic cylinders. The 1.65x squeeze ratio fills a 1.5:1 (3:2) Full-Frame sensor like ALEXA or VENICE and desqueezes it very nicely to 2.39:1 without wasting left and right side pixels in post. The Servicevision 1.65x FFA lenses are small and lightweight and have front anamorphic elements. These lenses premiere at IBC in Servicevision’s booth 12.C43. read more…