Tag Archives: New ARRI Super35 Camera
What lenses fit ARRI’s next S35 4K camera?

Will standard 35mm lenses (before Open Gate era) cover ARRI’s next, new Super35 camera? ARRI Camera Systems Product Manager Marc Shipman-Mueller was kind enough to elucidate. “Yes, the sensor has almost the same dimensions as the ALEXA Mini Sensor,” Marc said. “I think that is an important feature of this camera. We want to make sure that our customers’ extensive investment in Super35 glass is protected. Without giving away too much, we have a 4K (4096) 16:9 recording mode for spherical lenses that has a diagonal of 28.55 mm and a 6:5 recording mode for 2x anamorphic lenses that has a diagonal of 27.39 mm. Both fulfill the 4K mandate.” read more…