Tag Archives: Leica Thalia
Where to Rent Leica Thalia Large Format Lenses
CW Sonderoptic has shipped the first sets of production-ready Large Format Leica Thalia lenses to the following rental companies: ARRI Rental, RVZ, Ljud & Bildmedia, TCS, Keslow Camera and Otto Nemenz International. Yves Angelo, AFC, SBC, is shooting now with RVZ’s Leica Thalias on RED 8K VV cameras for his latest feature film. Comments include “Skin kindness and awesome bokehs.” read more…
La La Launch Leica Thalia Cine Lenses
Tuesday, March 28. A group of cinematographers gathered at the Leica Store and Gallery in Beverly Hills for the worldwide launch of the new Leica Thalia Large Format Cine Primes. An ARRI Alexa with a case of XPL mounted Thalia lenses and a Panavision DXL camera with PL mounted Thalias were there to test. Videos shot with Thalia lenses by Colt Seman,… read more…