Tag Archives: ALEXA Mini LF
ARRI ALEXA Mini LF – Large Format

Here’s the new little camera from ARRI that shoots big pictures. It’s ARRI’s latest addition to their large-format camera system. This is what many cinematographers were asking for: Large Format, lighter, smaller, modular. ARRI ALEXA Mini LF is quintessentially an ALEXA LF stuffed into the body of a Super35 ALEXA Mini. It uses the same large format CMOS sensor (36.70 x 25.54 mm). To picture the engineering involved, imagine unloading the entire contents of your 22-foot long camera truck and squeezing almost everything inside a BMW X3. ALEXA Mini LF’s carbon fiber body plus LPL lens mount weighs a mere 2.6 Kg. How convenient—that’s the same size and weight (about 5.7 lb) as the ubiquitous Maß (1-liter beer mug) at Oktoberfest. Read the full 22-page FDTimes Report. read more…
Tags: 24x36, 36x24, ALEXA Mini LF, ARRI ALEXA Mini LF, Full Frame, Large Format