ALEXA now has a page of her own:
The 24 page Film and Digital Times ARRI ALEXA article is available as a PDF download in high, medium and low resolution.
You’ll also find links to the Spanish translation, by Nina Liberman, proofed and checked by Ernesto Musitelli.
Meet Managing Director Dr. Martin Prillmann, General Manager of Camera Business Unit Stephan Schenk, Product Manager Marc Shipman-Mueller, and many of the same familiar faces in the same places where we saw previous ARRI cameras constructed. Read an in-depth interview with ARRI Managing Director Franz Kraus, discussing the origins of ALEXA, how it evolved, and where it’s going. Lavishly illustrated with pictures and views inside the camera.
So join us in English and Spanish, along with Camera Business Unit Manager Walter Trauninger (previously Project Manager on ARRIFLEX 435 and ARRICAM) as we tour ARRI’s factory on Türkenstrasse in Munich.