Join us on a 24 page Cinematographer’s Tour of ARRI ALEXA from Concept through Construction. Not just for DPs: essential information for ACs, ADs, Directors, Producers, Studios, Production Companies, Rental Houses and Students.
Visit the factory on Türkenstrasse in Munich to see how ARRI’s latest digital cinematography camera is built.
Meet Managing Director Dr. Martin Prillmann, General Manager of Camera Business Unit Stephan Schenk, Product Manager Marc Shipman-Mueller, and many of the same familiar faces in the same places where we saw previous ARRI cameras constructed.
Camera Business Unit Manager Walter Trauninger (previously Project Manager on ARRIFLEX 435 and ARRICAM) takes us through the factory on Türkenstrasse in Munich.
Read an in-depth interview with ARRI Managing Director Franz Kraus, discussing the origins of ALEXA, how it evolved, and where it’s going. Lavishly illustrated with pictures and views inside the camera.
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