Supertechno 100


Every Cinec visitor must have seen this at the show.

It was too large to miss. Right in front of the entrance of hall 3, the Supertechno 100 was raised into the blue Bavarian sky. (the Crane in front is the Panther Galaxy: 57 ft max lens height)

After 4 years in development, Horst Burbulla premiered the Supertechno 100 at Cinec. Made in Plzen, Czech Republic, it’s the latest in the family of Technocrane telescopic camera cranes. With an electronically driven leveling head, adjustable moveable weight carriage, and telescoping beam,  the camera operator controls the camera via remote head, while grips raise, lower and telescope the head in and out.

Maximum lens height: 105 ft. (or a little over 32 m)

Max telescopic extended distance: 82 ft.

Max camera weight: 80 lbs.

Max speed: 0-2 meters/sec.  Weighs over 4 tons.

Horst says, “you no longer need a helicopter to look over rooftops.”

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