Tag Archives: Cooke Zooms
Cooke Annual NAB 2015 Gathering: Anamorphics, Zooms, Rentals, RED 8K
Getting a coveted seat at the annual Cooke NAB dinner requires connections worthy of entry to a restaurant like Rao’s in New York. It also helps to be the owner of a substantial number of Cooke lenses, spherical or anamorphic. In an undisclosed location at a distinguished Las Vegas restaurant, more than 80 prominent rental houses and cinematographers convened to discuss the latest topics and trends and to meet new colleagues. Later in the evening, fueled by a dinner of Jurassic-sized steaks and fine wines, speeches are made on the state of the industry. Here is the edited transcript of Cooke Dinner NAB 2015. read more…
Tags: Cooke Anamorphic Zooms, Cooke Zooms, Lenses, NAB 2015