Before the Fall

Klaus Eckerl (no helmet) and Jon Fauer (with helmet) at the beginning of their excellent adventure

There’s an excuse for lack of recent FDT posts. After the frenzy of IBC, it was a week-long drive from Amsterdam to Wetzlar (LEITZ), Oberkochen (ZEISS), Ismaning (ARRI Rental), Munich (ARRI) and now Freyung (IB/E Optics). Having endured the rhythm  of 1000 km of German Autobahns—240 km/h highspeed to screeching crawl through endless construction zones—I’m now in lovely Freyung Hospital with a bunch of broken ribs after a close encounter with a metal post while mountain biking with Klaus Eckerl on Sunday. Photos of the carnage and recovery are on Instagram.

Now for the “If you go” and “worth the trip” part. Freyung is about 2 hours east of Munich. IB/E Optics headquarters is in two large, modern buildings on Passauerstrasse–the main road leading into town. IB/E is also conveniently located right next door to the hospital. So, should you choose to visit, Klaus and team can demonstrate their impressive line of products in the privacy of your hospital room or in their offices.

Jagdhof Hotel in Roernbach, Bavaria, Germay

Stay in spa-like luxury at the Jagdhof Hotel in nearby Roernbach or several other excellent places. The Jagdhof already has 5 stars. But they are awarded another five FDTimes Flares for the best breakfast buffet in Germany (mangoes, papaya, exotic fruits) and a gigantic indoor/outdoor swimming pool that rivals the H+ Hotel Limes Thermen in Aalen near ZEISS.

Rent a Ferrari or mountain e-bike

The Jagdhof rents a Ferrari, Segways and e-bikes for mountain, sport and city. The Ferrari might have been safer. The mountain e-bike is nothing like the leisurely Jump and Lime bikes of Santa Monica and Venice, CA. These beasts of Freyung bring to mind the hang-gliding dictum: never fly higher than you’d care to fall, or in my case here, never drive faster than you’d care to fly off the trail.

Freyung is several miles from the Czech border, close to Austria, and in the heart of the Bavarian Forest. Miles of beautiful hiking and biking trails wind through thick pine forests and Purkinje-Effected green farmland.

Klaus Eckerl, rolling hills, bright green farmlands.

JF on the flatlands, before heading into the hills and before the fall.

Klaus shredding the trail

Four or more broken ribs later. Hospital room becomes an IB/E Optics SmartFinder Pro demo center.



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8 Responses:

  1. Ian Kerr says:

    Jon, your ability to turn this terrible event into an entertaining read (I felt bad after I laughed at one part) is further evidence of why the industry holds you in such high regard. Hope you’re healing up quickly and your hospital-time results in another book.

    • Jon Fauer says:

      Ian, thanks for your kind thoughts. I was warned that too much laughter might be painful for the ribs — so better for you to laugh!!! Best wishes. Jon

  2. mad most says:

    whoa Jon, Terrible ! but what a gorgeous place to be grounded in while recuperating, hope they serve you Kirschwasser with your koffee und kuchen every afternoon- very therapeutic. You could hold a masterclass at your clinic ?

  3. Oli Laperal Jr says:

    Get well soon Jon, a young marathon runner like you should be up and about in no time.

  4. Very sorry to learn about your accident, Jon! :-(

    Get well soon!

    Best Wishes

  5. Get well Jon! Love your articles. First thought was WOW.

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