One of the best things at NAB was the VBag, a flexible, inflatable “hi-hat” from Danish camera assistants Thomas Holm Deleurang (at left) and Erik Thal-Jantzen. These guys know a thing or two about extreme temperatures, working in -25 degree Scandinavia, studios, sweltering sand dune locations… They also know how to improve on the low-tech, lowly furniture pad to support a camera anywhere — quickly and easily.
The VBag is made of almost-indestructible high frequency welded, reinforced PVC-coated polyester fibre sheets. It looks like a top-of-the-line Scandinavian life-jacket with a bunch of plastic beaded pellets inside. You plop the camera on the bag, pump out the air with the included hand pump, and the combination of beads and vacuum hold even the heaviest cameras in incredibly difficult places.
Think of the VBag as a high-tech furniture pad that can “freeze” in any shape and keep that shape–molding itself to the footprint of the camera.VBags save lots of time rigging: on hoods for car shots, on top of ladders…anywhere. Thomas and Erik have spent over 2 years developing the VBag. The production still (bottom left) is funny: the camera’s on a VBag and the cameraman is sitting on a hi-hat. VBags are destined to become essential on every production, big or small, film or digital, studio or location.
Great gadget. I have work with Erik a lot, and he keeps surprising me with that Vbag’s possibilities. I have done grips stuff that suddenly becomes very simple with Vbag. It is a must-have on every production!!