P.A.T. Lens Charts

Stéphane Paillard is a former Camera Operator and Camera Assistant who turned his sharp knowledge into a thriving business designing and supplying high-tech lens charts and essential accessories. His company P.A.T-Accessories (Prêt à Tourner—Ready to Shoot) is a few miles from the location where the Lumière Brothers shot The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station with their Cinematograph in 1895. P.A.T. charts let you check the resolution of a lens or the camera’s sensor.

Lens charts have been around since the 19th century. But, Stéphane realized that conventional printing techniques yield fuzzy lines. And so, PAT-ACC charts use special inks and laser processes that exceed many lens projector reticle resolutions. PAT-ACC charts are used at leading rental houses, manufacturers and optical services worldwide. Shown below: RVZ, Vocas, EMIT, FDTimes.

You can order them directly:

(pat-acc.com) and from MYT-Works in the USA (mytworks.com).


(This is a “reprint” from August 2020 FDTimes issue 104.)


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