Hurricane Wheels


Wheels for GimbalRigs. Matthias Uhlig is releasing the successor to his Brushless Gimbal RC Interface (BGRCI) ( — the new Brushless Gimbal RC Interface MK2.

The BGRCI offers a more professional way of controlling handheld (or airborne, crane mounted, car mounted…) gimbal rigs like the DJI Ronin or the Freefly Systems Mövi family.

While the original BGRCI is a modular system with the option of two or three axis, the MK2 will always have three axes (3 wheels). It also will have a built in transmitter for the common and accepted Futaba FASST system. The great thing about the new system is that you only need a power source (and a gimbal rig, obviously) to operate. It connects to DJI Ronin and Gremsy gimbals right away. Freefly gimbals and others will need an inexpensive alternative receiver.

Matthias says, “Gimbals are taking over and there seems to be hardly any production going without one. With the BGRCI-2, they can now be used as stabilized remote heads by serious DPs who are not keen on operating with toystore joysticks.”

The BGRCI-MKs can be used with Hurricane Wheels gear head simulation software or as a USB input device for previz or virtual camera work.

Price is planed to be about 2800,- € plus tax & shipping, but it might be a little less. Paralinx in Los Angeles is the US distributor.

More information can be found at


More details:

Integrated transmitter – ready for Ronin

The integrated Futaba transmitter module connects to any DJI Ronin or Gremsy gimbal, as well as Freefly Mövi M5/10/15 equipped with an optionally available Futaba S-Bus Receiver. Uses genuine Futaba parts, an experienced RC manufacturer.

Spektrum and other versions can be made upon request.

Smooth handwheels

The handwheels are balanced to 0.5g and run smoothly on the high resolution encoders.  Precision potentiometers allow to adjust the trimming and electronic gearing for each axis individually. In conjunction with the gimbal controller software this offers a very powerful, yet simple control over axis speed and damping.

Built in USB Interface

Users of the interface boxes receive a copy of their gearhead simulation software upon request.  You can also use the handwheels for previz  or virtual camera work.

Tech Specs:

  • Power Supply: 9-36 V
  • Current Draw: 0.3A
  • Weight: ca. 3,5 kg
  • Compatible Gimbal Rigs (tested): all AlexMos based rigs, like DigiMove, Newton etc. , Mövi M10, DJI Ronin
  • Compatible RC-Remote Receivers: Futaba FASST/RASST, DJI Ronin

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