Tag Archives: Art

Lighting with Paint in Munich

Join Film and Digital Times for the 10th Digitale Cinematographie in Munich. Jon Fauer, ASC will present his “Lighting with Paint” lecture in the “Theresienraum” of the “Alte Kongresshalle” (Old Convention Hall) on Theresienhöhe (same place as in 2011) — near the Oktoberfest grounds. Thursday, July 5 from 10.30 – 11.30 am and on Friday from 12.30 – 1.30 pm “Lighting with Paint” is a… read more…

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Otto as Art

I was walking along Main Street in Santa Monica and jumped when I looked through the window of the Axiom Contemporary Gallery (2801 Main Street) and saw a giant 5′ wide painting of an ARRI 3C with an Otto Nemenz logo. I immediately phoned Otto, who rushed over to provide provenance. The ARRI 3C with 200′ magazine, Juergen Meindardus pivoting finder… read more…


Utopia Inc

Why are there so many buildings with flat roofs in Helsinki? After all, we’re at 60 degrees north Latitude, snow is measured by height above parked cars, and the weight of all that snow on those flat roofs adds up to more than 20 pounds per cubic foot.     Little wonder that one of the best businesses in Helsinki,… read more…


Lumières in Lyon

December 12, 2010. We’re in Lyon for the final day of the annual Festival of Lights (Fête des Lumières). It began in 1852. The people of Lyon illuminated the fronts of their houses, churches and buildings with candles. There were no street lights yet; December nights could be bleak and very dark. Lighting designers, architects, gaffers, engineers, filmmakers and video… read more…

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Cinema Style: Bulgari

After mingling with Monet, head to the Bulgari exhibit around the block on the grander side of the Grand Palais: the entrance facing the Place de la Concorde. The architectural space is evening more breathtaking than the exhibit to come. Built in 1900 for the Paris Exposition, the wrought-iron and glass ceiling is a masterpiece of the industrial revolution. Covering… read more…


Art as Contact Sport

Put on your elbow and shoulder pads. Helmets not required (yet).  Anyone who has lined up for a lift at a European Ski Resort, boarded a Tokyo subway at rush hour, or tried to go against the tide at Grand Central Station will know the feeling. The massive Monet exhibit is one of the greatest gatherings of his work under… read more…


Astrid Preston Exhibition

Astrid Preston’s paintings remind you how much hard work can be required in art. Van Gogh tried pointillism and gave up, finding it too arduous. Astrid’s art is as meticulous as it is breathtakingly beautiful. Her landscapes and views of nature are incredibly photographically detailed and abstract at the same time. Her current work “east west spring fall,” going on… read more…

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