

If FDTimes gave awards, MōVi would probably win most innovative new product of the show. It reminds me of a stabilized head (like Russian Arm, Libra, Scorpio) that goes handheld. Or think of it as a stabilized helicopter mount minus the helicopter, or a stabilized camera car remote system without the arm and remote head. The camera is stabilized in all axes–including the direction in which it points. The “labor” can be shared by two camera operators: one who moves like the helicopter or camera car, and the other who operates a small remote head for pan, tilt, etc.

I don’t think it replaces Steadicam, and I can imagine a synergy–especially if a next generation MōVi evolves for large, heavier cameras. Camera operators of the world: put on your Nikes, include the 100 meter dash in your daily workout, and get ready for a new job category: MōVi Operator.

MōVi’s Tabb Firchau (above) gave me a test drive and I didn’t want to stop. Remember the Shakicam craze a few years ago? This is the elegant opposite. What a relief.

See Vincent Laforet’s beautifully shot, edited, scored and cast high-energy video using the Freefly MōVi.

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  1. Pingback: MōVI Update – Availability and 1st Winner « Vincent Laforet's Blog

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